New Pilot Program: J ATE Connect

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The Journal of Advanced Technological Education (J ATE) is embarking on a new pilot program: J ATE Connect – focused on increasing the number and quality of peer reviewed journal publications written by NSF ATE project teams in order to increase dissemination of the most innovative and informative work in technician training from the past 5 years.

J ATE Connects will bring together small teams to write and submit a publication related to technician education based on work from their current or recent ATE project or center. To support these efforts teams will be supported with a stipend, professional development training, and resources/support over 9 months (July 2023-February 2024).

Each J ATE Connect Team will be composed of:

  • 1-3 Writers: ATE project or center team members (PIs, senior personnel, evaluators) who have engaged in an ATE project or center together within the past 5 years and are engaged in technician education 
  • 1 Coach: Peer-reviewed published author with experience working on ATE projects and/or centers (J ATE Connect will pair a coach with each writing team) 

Check out the details & apply today (links take you to the Application Form directly):

  • Interested in publishing your most innovative & informative ATE work? Apply today to be a J ATE Connect
  • Interested in supporting the publishing of innovative & informative ATE work and have experience publishing in peer-reviewed journals? Apply today to be a J ATE Connect

Applications due July 8th

Please spread the word – flyers can be downloaded below, or simply direct people to this page. Thanks!

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