Keywords: J ATE, technician education, undergraduate research
@2024 under the terms of the J ATE Open Access Publishing Agreement
Community and Technical College Education Community,
I’m pleased to present the Journal of Advanced Technological Education (J ATE) Volume 3 Issue 2 on behalf of the J ATE Editorial Board and Staff. This issue’s theme is community college students. Many of the articles published in this issue were written by community college students based on their undergraduate research.
This year, J ATE was engaged in a professional development project called J ATE URE, the Journal of Advanced Technological Education Undergraduate Research Experience. The design of J ATE URE was to pair community college students with faculty who assisted with mentoring, research, and writing manuscripts. The J ATE URE program ran during the 2023-2024 academic year and culminated with 11 manuscript submissions. We are delighted to share that this project was a great success. All participating students and faculty involved worked hard throughout the entire process. We want to extend a huge thanks to Tanya Faltens, who led J ATE URE.
We are very proud of our growth and development within the MNT-EC family and want to thank our PI, Jared Ashcroft, for his unwavering belief in the J ATE project. As such, with our success, it is time to move forward and be self-sufficient. With this in mind, this edition of J ATE will be the last issue supported by MNT-EC (the Micro Nano Technology Education Center) and the J ATE Special Project Grant. Beginning this fall, J ATE will form a business entity that generates revenue and pays its expenses independently. A key component of our ongoing sustainability plan includes offering advertising from your colleges, programs, and projects. We hope that you will be interested in participating in those efforts. For more information or opportunities, please feel free to contact me.
J ATE will continue to publish peer-reviewed articles based on technician education at community and technical colleges. We are committed to being free to submit to and publish online and will always remain open-access.
J ATE is our journal serving our community. Please support us by reading, submitting your manuscript, and serving as a valued community member by acting as a co-author or reviewer.
In teaching and learning,