Invited Letter: J ATE Vol 2, Issue 2 Letter from the Editor 

Keywords: J ATE, technician education, undergraduate research 

© 2023 under the terms of the J ATE Open Access Publishing Agreement 

Community and Technical College Education Community, 

I’m pleased to present the Journal of Advanced Technological Education (J ATE) Vol 2, Issue 2, on behalf of the J ATE Editorial Board and Staff. The theme for this edition is undergraduate research at community and technical colleges across the US. Community College students, along with their mentors, wrote many of the articles in this special J ATE edition! Think about that for a second – community college students now have a peer-reviewed publication where they can publish the research they’ve been working on and that they can include as part of their resume, job applications, and education journey. 

I want to acknowledge the students’ courage to move research and a new understanding of subjects impacting and exciting them to a peer-reviewed article. Embracing the process is not easy; challenges and errors were made and worked through until the final published article. These students not only took their classroom and lab experiences and translated them into a written document but then submitted their manuscripts to be put through a process with corresponding editors and reviewers. They took their review feedback and either accepted and made changes or provided acceptable reasoning in a rebuttal letter to their corresponding editor before again working on perfecting their manuscripts to be finally accepted and published for our readers to appreciate. These efforts were a tremendous amount of work, and I want to thank all the students, mentors, and corresponding editors who took valuable time to make this such a special J ATE issue. 

In this spirit, J ATE is embarking on exciting programming for the academic year 2023-2024. We are implementing a special program called J ATE Connects that pairs community college faculty and coaches in teams for six months, demonstrating to writers how to publish in peer-reviewed journals. Our J ATE URE program will guide community college students with faculty mentors over nine months to learn how to publish their work, expanding their classroom/lab experiences to share their research in peer-reviewed articles. In addition, J ATE is also working on a new online submission and review tool to streamline the work of our editors, reviewers, and staff. Finally, we are also working on a new public-facing website where you can read and download all J ATE articles. 

These are exciting and ambitious new programs. J ATE is dedicated to being your peer-reviewed journal focused on technician education at community and technical colleges. As we grow, we are committed to being a journal that is free to submit, free to publish, and open-access. 

Help us by reading J ATE, submitting your manuscript, and serving as a co-author or reviewer. J ATE is our journal, and we value our community. 

In teaching and learning, 
