The Journey of a MEMS Researcher

Indian Hills Community College 525 Grandview Ave, Ottumwa, IA, United States

This session will highlight the journey of a MEMS researcher and how you can start in one area in MEMS and end up working in something completely different. It will highlight the diversity of knowledge that is necessary to work in the area of MEMS. Presenter: Nathan Jackson - University of New Mexico

Never Go in with a Blank Sheet of Paper: A Guide for Educators with a Desire to Reach and Work with Industry

Indian Hills Community College 525 Grandview Ave, Ottumwa, IA, United States

Educators at all levels desire for their students to succeed. For Community College educators teaching technical education course success is often defined as “graduates getting jobs”. Achievement of this goal is often tied to having a direct correlation between the student outcomes from the courses in the program and the industry requirements for new hires […]

Shape-Changing Micromachines

Indian Hills Community College 525 Grandview Ave, Ottumwa, IA, United States

Dr. Daniel Lopez, Liang Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Penn State University The field of micromechanics is now a well-established engineering domain with a demonstrated impact on science, technology, and product development. At the core of this technology are movable mechanical structures, MEMS, with dimensions ranging from a few to 100’s microns, and […]

Grading for Equity

Indian Hills Community College 525 Grandview Ave, Ottumwa, IA, United States

Dr. Peter D. Kazarinoff, co-PI of the MNT-EC (Micro Nano Technician Education Center) and Tara Nelson, faculty and department chair at Portland Community College presents a seminar on Grading for Equity. Community College faculty don’t usually think of grading when talking about equity. We will show how our traditional grading practices contribute to inequities in […]

Launching the Journal of Micro Nano Technology Education at MNT-EC

Indian Hills Community College 525 Grandview Ave, Ottumwa, IA, United States

It has long been said that at four-year institutions, faculty have to publish or perish; at two-year institutions that requirement is not as stringent but could be helpful to faculty progression. The MNT-EC Journal Working Group would like to help faculty at a two-year institution become more familiar on how to do research and write a journal article for publication. As […]

2021 Summit: Research Impact & Public Engagement at the Intersection of the Future Workforce

Indian Hills Community College 525 Grandview Ave, Ottumwa, IA, United States

ARIS and Research Impact Canada (RIC) are working in collaboration to host the 2021 Conference on Research Impact & Public Engagement at the Intersection of the Future Workforce. This Summit represents the first time ARIS and RIC have brought our two communities together to learn from our collective expertise and network for future collaboration.

Re-taping of Business Indystry Leadership Team (BILT) Session 1

Indian Hills Community College 525 Grandview Ave, Ottumwa, IA, United States

The Business & Industry Leadership Team Model (BILT) is an employer high-engagement model for college programs, projects, and grants that originated with the NSF National Convergence Technology Center (DUE 1700530) in the early 2000s. The model is widely used to deepen employer involvement in educational programs producing such benefits as curriculum better-aligned to meet employer […]

VR Simulations for Teaching Nanotechnology Instrumentation

Indian Hills Community College 525 Grandview Ave, Ottumwa, IA, United States

Virtual reality is an attractive method of teaching to younger students interested in technical education, and it is very effective for exposing students to new instruments and processes in a safe, low-cost and low-risk environment. This 4-hour workshop will bring together some of the experts working in this field who have designed, built, and used […]

SEMI Certification Model – MNT-EC partners

Indian Hills Community College 525 Grandview Ave, Ottumwa, IA, United States

This one-day workshop will introduce the specific Certification Model developed by SEMI-Cert and NEATEC for technician education programs (A.A.S, A.O.S., BS) - Intended for Community College or four-year colleges with technical programs that are willing to determine if SEMI Certification is appropriate to their programs. Instructor: Abe Michelen Purpose: Expand the reach and impact of […]

Introduction to the Arduino Microcontroller

Indian Hills Community College 525 Grandview Ave, Ottumwa, IA, United States

May 31, 2021 - 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM June 1, 2021 - 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM This two-day short course will introduce you to the Arduino world. Participants will learn how to program the Arduino and do some easy activities and move into more advanced activities. Supplies will be shipped to participants ahead […]


Micro- Nano-Technology Health & Safety

Indian Hills Community College 525 Grandview Ave, Ottumwa, IA, United States

This professional development opportunity will educate and train participants on the anticipation, recognition, evaluation, and control of hazards related to micro- and nano-technology (MNT). Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the program will be offered virtually in 2021. It will be facilitated for continuing education credit through the University of Minnesota Public Health Institute. The program […]


Microscopy and Spectroscopy Techniques for Nanomaterial Characterization

Dr. Jason Giuliani and Dr. Neda Habibi from Northwest Vista College, San Antonio This professional development will educate and train participants on the working operation, capabilities and demonstration of different microscopy and spectroscopy techniques such as AFM, SEM, FIB, TEM and X-RD. The workshop will be offered virtually in summer 2021. Topics for each day […]

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