What are MEMS and Why Do We Care?

Indian Hills Community College 525 Grandview Ave, Ottumwa, IA, United States

Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS) are ubiquitous in our daily lives and in every electronic systems that you interact with.  This presentation will cover several devices and systems as well as an overview of current trends of the market.  The need for skilled technicians and STEM workers will be clear and a catalyst for integrating MNT into your program.  Plan […]

Get your feet wet!  Introduction to the nanoHUB simulation environment

Indian Hills Community College 525 Grandview Ave, Ottumwa, IA, United States

In this hands-on workshop, we will navigate the nanoHUB simulation environment together. You will learn how to set up your personal nanoHUB dashboard and interact with different simulation tool interfaces, including Jupyter notebooks. We will run nanoHUB simulation tools for visualizing crystal structures and biological molecules and learn how to find and bookmark self-paced lessons […]


Nano-Educators Topical Seminar Series

Indian Hills Community College 525 Grandview Ave, Ottumwa, IA, United States

Please join us for a more in-depth dive of select nanotechnology topics, including resources and tips on how to share these ideas with your students. This series consists of 16 self-contained topics split between March-April and September-October. Though targeted for undergraduate studies, off-line discussions may include ways to adapt to a variety of academic levels. […]

The Journey of a MEMS Researcher

Indian Hills Community College 525 Grandview Ave, Ottumwa, IA, United States

This session will highlight the journey of a MEMS researcher and how you can start in one area in MEMS and end up working in something completely different. It will highlight the diversity of knowledge that is necessary to work in the area of MEMS. Presenter: Nathan Jackson - University of New Mexico

Grading for Equity

Indian Hills Community College 525 Grandview Ave, Ottumwa, IA, United States

Dr. Peter D. Kazarinoff, co-PI of the MNT-EC (Micro Nano Technician Education Center) and Tara Nelson, faculty and department chair at Portland Community College presents a seminar on Grading for Equity. Community College faculty don’t usually think of grading when talking about equity. We will show how our traditional grading practices contribute to inequities in […]


Microscopy and Spectroscopy Techniques for Nanomaterial Characterization

Dr. Jason Giuliani and Dr. Neda Habibi from Northwest Vista College, San Antonio This professional development will educate and train participants on the working operation, capabilities and demonstration of different microscopy and spectroscopy techniques such as AFM, SEM, FIB, TEM and X-RD. The workshop will be offered virtually in summer 2021. Topics for each day […]


Introduction to the Arduino


Abe Michelen, SUNY Polytechnic Institute, New York This two-day short course will introduce you to the Arduino world. Participants will learn how to program the Arduino and do some easy activities and move into more advanced activities. Supplies will be shipped to participants ahead of time. Please email Billie Copley - billie@micronanoeducation.org with your mailing […]


Nano-Educators Topical Seminar Series


The Nano-Educators Topical Seminar Series continues this fall with topics covering lithography, diffraction, MEMS, characterization tools, microfluidics, and self assembly. The fall offerings will be every Friday starting on Sept. 17th through Nov. 12th (skipping Oct. 22nd). Experts in their fields from around the country will be giving overviews of the topics, resources and tips […]

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